Journal of Applied Measurement

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The first issue of the Journal of Applied Measurement for 2020, Volume 21, Number 1, is now available. To view the abstracts for this issue, please click on the Abstracts for All Volumes link below.

If your JAM subscription has expired, please consider renewing at this time. The subscription costs for 2020 are unchanged. To begin or renew your subscription, just click on the Subscription Form link below. Then print and complete the order form. Finally, mail the form, along with your payment, to the address on the form. Thank you for your ongoing support of JAM.

The fourth issue of the Journal of Applied Measurement for 2019, Volume 20, Number 4, is now available. To view the abstracts for this issue, please click on the Abstracts for All Volumes link below.

An ongoing project at JAM has been to develop a time-line of important events in the development of Rasch measurement as a psychometric model. The recent issue of Rasch Measurement Transactions, V32, N2 (March 2019) contained a version of that time-line, The Ties that Bind. Based on feedback from the RMT article, further additions were made to the time-line. To keep the latest version of the time-line available online, we created a link to the latest version on the JAM/JAM Press website. To access the latest version of the time-line please click on The Ties that Bind link below. As events are added to the time-line updated pdfs will be posted on the website.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the second editon of the book Rasch Measurement Models: Interpreting WINSTEPS and FACETS Output, written by Richard M. Smith and Stefanie A. Wind, is now available. The second edition updates the versions of WINSTEPS and FACETS used as illustrations. The FACETS section was completely rewritten by Stefanie A. Wind. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

Work has been completed on the translation of the JAM Press book, Introduction to Rasch Measurement, into both traditional and simplified Chinese. This effort is coordinated by Professor Magdalena Mo Ching Mok at the Education University of Hong Kong. The translations were introduced at the book launch on February 8, 2018, at the Technology Enhanced Assessment (TEA) Conference 2018 in Hong Kong (

The second issue of the Journal of Applied Measurement, Volume 17 (2016), is an expanded issue that contains a remembrance of Ben Wright. With Ben's death in October 2015, we were struggling with an appropriate way of remembering Ben and his influence on measurement practice. As a result of those conversations, Nick Bezruczko agreed to undertake an expansion of the dedication, included in book, Rasch Measurement in Health Sciences, that Nick edited back in 2005. The dedication was based on a series of interviews with Ben. The new JAM expanded remembrance includes photographs of the many people who shaped Ben's life and offers insights into the development of Ben's measurement philosophy. Single copies of this volume or single article orders are available throught JAM. Please click on the JAM Back Issues/Single Article Orders link listed below for order information.

Beginning with Volume 17 (2016), the cost of subscriptions to the Journal of Applied Measurement have increased to $76 for individuals and $192 for institutions. The first class international postage rate for 2016 through 2019 is $36. All fees are payable in US dollars. Checks drawn on US banks and credit card payments (VISA and MasterCard) are accepted.

Work has been completed on the translation of JAM abstracts into both traditional and simplified Chinese. This effort is coordinated by Professor Magdalena Mo Ching Mok at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The translated abstracts are be avaliable in two volumes. Volume I and Volume II are listed on the JAM Press order form. To order the book of abstracts, please click on the JAM / JAM Press Order Form link below and print the order form. The book of abstracts are located at the top of the first page of the order form.

Abstracts for JAM Volumes 1 to 7 are now available on the JAM website. Just click on the Abstracts for All Volumes link below. Volumes 1 to 7 are available as a pdf for each volume that can be searched with Acrobat. Volumes 8 to 15 are still in the original html format.

JAM/JAM Press is pleased to announce that back issues of the Journal of Outcome Measurement, the predecessor of JAM, have been digitalized and are available for public use. All seventeen issues are available (Vol. 1, No. 1 to 4, 1997; Vol. 2, No. 1 to 4, 1998; Vol. 3, No. 1 to 4, 1999; Vol.4, No. 1 to 4, 2000; and Vol.5, No. 1, 2001). William Fisher generously donated his copies of JOM, Vol. 4 and Alan Tennant donated his copy of JOM, Vol. 5 to complete this digitalization project. Please click on the Journal of Outcome Measurement Back Issues link below to go to the pdfs of the complete back issues of JOM.

You can contact JAM/JAM Press at Another e-mail address is available for editorial questions (

JAM publishes refereed scholarly work from all academic disciplines that relate to measurement theory and its application to constructing variables. WINSTEPS.COM calls it the “most authoritative journal for Rasch research.” Under its publishing division, JAM Press, it publishes a variety of books dedicated to exploring the principles of objective measurement.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume 2 edited by Nathaniel J. S. Brown, Brent Duckor, Karen Draney, and Mark Wilson is now available. This book continues the tradition of the Rasch Measurement: Theory into Practice series, presenting selected papers that represent recent advances in Rasch measurement from past IOMW conferences. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume 1 edited by Mary L. Garner, George Engelhard, Jr., William P. Fisher, Jr., and Mark Wilson is now available. This book continues the tradition of the Rasch Measurement: Theory into Practice series, presenting selected papers that represent recent advances in Rasch measurement from past IOMW conferences. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Criterion Referenced Testing: Practice Analysis to Score Reporting Using Rasch Measurement edited by Everett V. Smith, Jr. and Gregory E. Stone is now available. This book explores issues and topics relating to criterion referenced testing from the perspective Rasch measurement. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Rasch Measurement: Advanced and Specialized Applications edited by Everett V. Smith, Jr. and Richard M. Smith is available. This is book explores issues and topics relating to Rasch measurement that were not previously covered in Introduction to Rasch Measurement. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Applications of Rasch Measurement in Science Education edited by Xiufeng Liu and William J. Boone is available. This is the first book entirely dedicated to applications of Rasch measurement in science education. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Rasch Measurement in Health Sciences edited by Nikolaus Bezruczko is available. This is one of the first books entirely dedicated to applications of Rasch measurement in the health sciences. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Introduction to Rasch Measurement edited by Everett V. Smith, Jr. and Richard M. Smith is available. Please click on JAM Press Books below for further details. Steve Lang, USF St. Petersburg, writes in his review of IRM in Rasch Measurement Transactions (Vol. 18:4, page 977): "This book fills a clear and important need in the understanding and development of Rasch Measurement." "This book is a logical overview of the Rasch model as it stands today that doesn't exist in this detail elsewhere." "As a reader for graduate students, the book is seriously under priced for those students who often pay $50 for something from a copy shop that's poorly printed or $120 for a textbook that is hardly readable!"

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Assessing and Modelling Cognitive Development in School edited by Robert Lissitz is available. This is the third book in the series dedicated to understanding important aspects of the NCLB legislation in the United States. Please click on JAM Press Books page below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Longitudinal and Value Added Models of Student Performance edited by Robert Lissitz is available. This is the second book in the series dedicated to understanding the use of value-added models in evaluating public education in the United States. Please click on JAM Press Books page below for further details.

JAM Press is pleased to announce that the book Value Added Models in Education: Theory and Applications edited by Robert Lissitz is available. This is one of the first books entirely dedicated to understanding the use of value-added models in evaluating public education in the United States. Joseph Martineau, Michigan Department of Education, writes in his review of VAM in Applied Psychological Measurement (Vol. 30:3, pp 249-252): Value Added Models in Education "is a remarkably precise microcosm of the field of value-added models (VAM)." "This book provides a high-quality discussion of the major issues in (VAM) in a wide range of statistical sophistication." "This book provides a strong analysis of political, statistical and psychometric issues in (VAM). There is enough statistical rigour to hold the attention of technical readers .... and there is enough plain-language presentations of these issues .... to be helpful to less technical substantive, policy and methodology researchers ...." Please click on JAM Press Books page below for further details.

ISSN 1529-7713


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The Ties that Bind - Rasch Measurement Time-line

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