JAM Press
PMhealth Rasch measurement workshop with Richard Smith
The Swedish national network Psychometrics and Metrology in the Health Sciences (PMhealth) is pleased to announce a unique three-day workshop lead by Dr. Richard M. Smith from Minnesota, USA. The theme of the workshop is An Introduction to Rasch Measurement: Theory and Applications.
Dr. Smith has been working with the Rasch model for over 40 years and has, among other things, made himself known as one of the foremost experts on fit of data to the family of Rasch measurement models. He has published a large number of articles and also written a computer program (Item and Person Analysis with the Rasch Model, IPARM) which offers extensive analysis of model fit from several perspectives. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Outcome Measurement and founding and current editor of the Journal of Applied Measurement (www.jampress.org). He is also the organizer and initiator of the regularly recurring and highly regarded International Outcome Measurement Conference (IOMC).
He was the founding editor of the Journal of Outcome Measurement and founding and current editor of the Journal of Applied Measurement (www.jampress.org). He is also the organizer and initiator of the regularly recurring and highly regarded International Outcome Measurement Conference (IOMC).
The workshop will be given on August 14-16, 2019 (start and finish at lunch) and includes both theoretical reviews and practical examples using Winsteps and Facets. Participants who do not have current licenses of Winsteps and Facets are therefore encouraged to download the free demo versions of these softwares (i.e., Ministep and Minifac) from www.winsteps.com and have them installed on their computers in preparation for the workshop.
Tentative program
August 14, 2019
Session I – Introduction to Rasch Measurement
Session II – Item and Person Fit Analysis, Part 1
August 15, 2019
Session III – Dichotomous and Polytomous Data
Session IV – Item and Person Fit Analysis, Part 2
Session V – Applications of Rasch Measurement, Part 1
Session VI – Applications of Rasch Measurement, Part 2
August 16, 2019
Session VII – Examples of Rasch Analyses
Session VIII – Data Analysis
Time and venue
August 14th-16th
Kristianstad University, Building 17, room 220
Details and registration at: www.hkr.se/pmhealth2019rs