Journal of Applied Measurement - JAM Press


 If you frequently refer to the Journal of Applied Measurement or JAM Press books, refer your students or colleagues to the journal and books, or use them as a publication outlet for your own research, you may want to recommend to your librarian that the journal and books be considered at the next library acquisitions meeting. To make your recommendation, simply download the appropriate PDF file accessible through the links below, fill out the relevant fields, and pass it on to your librarian. Having the journal and books available in your library will increse access to the journal and books for yourself, your colleagues, and your students. If you are an author, having the journal and books available in your library will help to bring your own published research to a larger audiance.

Journal of Applied Measurement Library Recommendation Form

Criterion Referenced Testing Library Recommendation Form

Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume 1 Library Recommendation Form

Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume 2 Library Recommendation Form
